Subject: 11/04/96--Small-biz Computers Uploaded By: DianeBW Date: 5/20/1997 File: CON61104.TXT (14336 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 22 Needs: Any word processor or text editor BUSINESS WEEK ONLINE Transcript of Nov. 4, 1996, BW Enterprise Chat CHOOSING YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM Marvin Richardson is chief technology officer of MCI Systemhouse, which advises clients on setting up the best computer system for their needs. He was the Nov. 4 guest in this Business Week Enterprise chat, part of America Online's Your Business Dinner series, to answer questions about systems for small business. He was online with Fred Strasser, BW associate editor in charge of Enterprise, published seven times annually for small business and entrepreneurs. Here's a sample: JackBW: Marvin, assume I have a small business and NO computer setup yet. Where should I start? MarvinMCI: Well, you need to first look at the type of business requirements for your small company. For example, if you are in a manufacturing organization, you may only need some front-office support systems for administrative and clerical work. If this is the case, you can stay pretty basic -- meaning a small network of three or four PCs and a file and print server. Of course, some manufacturing businesses have needs for computing resources on their shop floor. In this case, you need to look at ruggedized equipment and manufacturing software packages.